Should disposable vapes be banned?
Available vapes are booming in popularity, eSpecially among those aged 18-34. They are easy to use and cheap.
But Campaigners say they are environmental nightmare with one activist calling for them to be banned.
The Vape Industry Told Bbc News that the problem with a unclear disposal rules and that there needs to beter national schemes for recycling.
VAPING - Is it a risk -free option?
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Market Flooded by Unsafe Vapes Aimed at Children
Available Vapes - Which Last for Around 600 "Puffs" - Valuable Materials contain Materials Such As Lithium Batteries and Copper, As Well As Plastic, Meaning They Are Classd As Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Weee).
Consumers Should has of them at a household recycling center or at the shop where they busht the device.
But many are unaware. Before Kate Matteson Gave Up Vaping, she exclusively used single-use vapes.
"The dispitable ones are just so reading Available at the Counter of Every Corner Shop, right next to the chewing gum. It‘s hard to make the Jump from a £ 5 Ready-to-Go Vape, to a £ 20+ Reusable contraption that might Leak and is More Hassle, "She Told BBC News.
She Said She had no idea they are recyclable and that "Messaging Could Definitely be improved".
"If the Vape Companies Ran Social Media Ads Letting People Know How To have of them, it would go our attention," she suggested.
Local Vapes contain Valuable Materials Like Lithium Batteries and Copper
A Recent Study Suggested More Than Half of Vapes Are Thrown Directly in the bin. Up to 1.3 million single vapes are thrown away each week, according to material focus, a not-for-professional organization focusing on recycling e-waste.
The lithium Batteries - A Finite Material That Rechargeable Technology Related On - In These Vape Alone Equate To 10 Tons of Lithium A Year, Equivalent to the Batteries Inside 1,200 Electric Vehicles.
The explosive problem of ‘zombie‘ batteries
Listen: Demand for lithium expected to triple
But they are not Straightforward to recycle. If Damaged when Thrown Away, Lithium Batteries can cause Fires at Waste Plants and Need to have Carefully, Explains Waste Experts, A Certified Weee Recycler.